Sunday, February 9, 2020

Weekly News Feb 10-14

We has SUCH a fun 100th day of school!!  It was fun to switch up our schedule and make everything all about 100!!!

 All of the 100 year olds!!

 Making 100 gumballs!
 Can you build something with 100 legos??
 100 cup stacking challenge!  
Each group worked SO well together they were able to stack 200 cups!!
How many licks does it take to get to the end??

Important Dates and Reminders:

February 14: Valentine day celebration-Here is our class list.
We will be making valentine bags as class, so no need to send in a separate Valentine box

February 17: NO SCHOOL

February 27: PAC Field Trip

Reading: This week as Super Avid Readers we will look more closely at non-fiction or informational texts and how we can really learn from what we read in them.  To pique our interest in looking more closely at non-fiction topics we will watch this video.   The kids do seem to really like this video and learn so much from watching it, but some may find it a tad scary a first.  There will be lots of discussion around it so I wanted it to be available to you as well :).  Some of the ways we will work with non-fiction books this week we will be: to use new vocabulary we have learned about our topics when talking about our books, finding multiple books on a topic that interests us and comparing and contrasting various books we read

Writing:  Opinion writing is up and running in Kindergarten!  This week we will learn that we can voice our opinion about problems we see around us and write as a way to try to fix it.  We will use the following chart to help us:
1. See a problem
2. Think
3.  Write
This work will lead us to writing letters, making signs and even creating petitions to make our school a better place.  The big goal for Kindergartners in this unit is to understand how powerful their words can be to persuade others.

Math: One way that mathematicians become more fluent in solving addition and subtraction equations is to study patterns. Students will start by exploring +0 and -0 equations and discover that it doesn't matter if you're adding or subtracting, when their is a 0, the number stays the same. Then, we will begin to study the +1 pattern, which is just like forward number counting! Students will practice solving equations quickly by using flashcards. We will continue to look for patterns to strengthen our fluency!

Researcher's Workshop: This week we will begin an exploration of weather.  We will become "weather watchers" and will learn important things to be on the look out for when studying the weather.  We will be spending time outside to observe and write about the weather and will begin to discuss how the weather impacts people and the things they need.

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