Thursday, March 12, 2020

Weekly News Mar 16-20

With the growing concern over illness and germs lately, I wanted to let you know the class and I have had some in-depth discussions about germs and the things we can do to help keep ourselves and others as healthy as can be.  We watched this video and looked at our schedule to add extra times during day to wash our hands.  We also talked about the use of sanitizer and so far the students have been doing an excellent job of being mindful of germs.  I even got "reminded" (more like scolded) for touching my face 😀!  Please know we are doing all we can to make our school safe and healthy!

March 24 & 26: Parent Teacher Conferences-sign up here.
                           Service Project collection-- Kindergarten was KID'S TOOTHPASTE
March 27: NO SCHOOL
April 6-10: Spring Break NO SCHOOL
April 17: Knowledge-a-thon (KAT)--dress up days to come
                Celebration Dance 6-8pm

Here's a peek at the week:

Reading: The nonfiction books have been a huge hit in our room! It's so fun to listen to the students ask questions and share knowledge about the topics they are reading about. This week, readers will keep track of topic words they find while reading non-fiction books.  They will use the pictures and words in the book to understand what the words mean and will teach them to their reading partner. We will also conversations about their books with partners. We will use the following conversation starters to help students carry on with their partner.

I wonder....
I agree/disagree because...
We remind students that a having a conversation is like riding a seesaw; you take turns going back and forth!

Writing: I was SO impressed with how the kindergartners were able to use mentor texts to think about how to make their all about writing even better. They came up with ideas like adding diagrams, maps, important vocabulary words and more! Now that we have some great ideas to put in our books, we will set goals for how many topics we will write about in one week. After finishing a book, writers will be reminded to go back to add more key details, make sure it is easy to read, and work with a partner who can ask questions to help them add more information to their books.

Math: Did you know that in order to be fluent adding and subtracting within 5, students need to be able to solve more than 20 equations! An article called "Assessing Basic Fact Fluency" defines fluency as "the efficient, appropriate, and flexible application of single-digit calculation skills essential aspect of mathematical proficiency".  In order to determine if a student is fluent in solving a problem, they must show "flexibility, appropriate strategy use, efficiency, and accuracy". So how do we determine that? Students are given a fact fluency interview where we watch and ask questions about how students are solving equations. It is amazing to see how their brains use the strategies to solve problems!

Researcher's Workshop:  Our weather unit will come to a close this week. Students will show some of their learning by answering questions with drawings and words. We will share this work on Seesaw. We will also celebrate St. Patrick's day by creating blue prints and building leprechaun traps like engineers!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Weekly News March 9-13

It was a great week to choose for our mini trip to the mailbox!!  Hopefully some homes have received their mail and been persuaded already!  Also, some students did choose to send letters back to our classroom or school...we are anxiously awaiting those too!

NDLC Spring Service Project
We are excited to announce our 2020 spring service project Happy Tooth - Day - a collection for St. Joseph’s food program in Menasha.  We will be collecting and creating birthday bags and dental hygiene bags for kids in need.

Each grade has an assigned item to collect. Donations are OPTIONAL.  If you wish to donate,  please bring NEW items to conferences on March 24 &26. 

Families are invited to fill the dental and birthday bags at the Knowledge-athon dance on April 17th. 

4K Kids toothbrushes (both toddler and child size needed)
Kindergarten Kids toothpaste
First grade Birthday candles
Second grade Cans of frosting  (please check expiration dates)
Third grade Cake mix  (please check expiration dates)
Fourth grade Kid’s birthday cards ( no age specific cards and please
Leave them blank)

Thank you for your participation in this important project.

Important Dates and Reminders:
March 24 & 26: Parent Teacher Conferences--info coming soon
March 27: NO SCHOOL
April 6-10: Spring Break NO SCHOOL
April 17: Knowledge-a-thon (KAT)
                Celebration Dance 6-8pm

Reading:This week we will learn that non-fiction readers don't just read to ask and answer questions and keep them to themselves...they share their knowledge with others!  We will do this by pretending to be both teachers and reporters to share what we have learned.  One structure we prompt kids to use to share information they have learned in their own hand! They can share the main topic and touch their palm and then list key details about the topic on their fingers!

Writing: This week we are starting to write All About books. The goal is for students to write an entire book that teaches about one topic.  To kick off this unit we will be using book from our classroom library to study what other authors (we call them mentor authors) do to make sure their writing teaches all it can AND looks easy for others to read!

Math:This week we will focus on using the +1 pattern automatically.
One way we will be working on the +1 pattern is by playing the game speed.  Students play as a pair and hold 5 cards each in their hand, they then flip one card over from the deck and need to lay down the card the comes after that card as quickly as they can.  This is a fun way for them to practice using the +1 strategy and to recognize that addition pattern automatically. We will also work on using strategies for equations that do not have a pattern (2+2, 4-3, 2+3, 3-2...).  We will learn that using fingers and tools can help use to visualize what happens in these equations.  We will also make our own bead racks use as a tool.  Stay tuned to see how we use these on SeeSaw!

Researcher's Workshop: This week we will use our knowledge of weather to create an art project that shows the 4 seasons.  We will focus on making our art work match the sky, temperature, wind and precipitation for each season.  This will be a great way to use our creativity and also tie in some direction following in a playful way!

Friday, February 28, 2020

Weekly News Mar 2-6

We had such a fun week together!  There is lots of fun in store for next week as well!  As a class we have been trying hard to think about how our words and actions can affect others feelings or learning.  Here is a chart we created together!

Important Dates and Reminders:
March 2-6 Read Across America Week Dress up days
3/2: Cat in the Hat- wear stripe or a hat
3/3: Grinch/ Green Eggs and Ham day- wear green
3/4: Wacky Wednesday
3/5: Red Fish, Blue Fish- wear red and blue
3/6: Twin/ Thing 1 and Thing 2- dress like someone else

Here's what's happening in K this week! 
Reading: This week we kick off a new reading unit called Growing Expertise in Little Books.  This unit has a focus on non-fiction reading and really reading to gain understanding and learn from the books we read.  This week we will sort our classroom library to get all of our informational books organized so they are easier for us to shop for.  We will learn that as we read about a topic we become experts on it and learn to share that information with others by telling the main topic of a book and giving key details learned in the book. We will also work on stopping and asking questions while we read.

Writing: On Monday, we will finish up our letters, using these checklists to make sure that our letters have everything persuasive writing needs and that is easy to read:

On Tuesday, we will walk to the post office to send our letters out into the world! Don't be surprised if you receive some pretty convincing letters:) 
Please return the signed permission slip by Monday!

Math: This week a major focus in math will be identifying and quickly recalling partners of a number or two numbers that combine to form a larger numbers.  Students will play a game called Missing Partner where they will have a set number of tools (2-5) and a part of the group will be removed and they will need to say the quantity that remains and then figure out the quantity that is missing.  Ex.  I see 2, 3 are missing, 2 and 3 are partners of 5.

Researcher's Workshop: After building knowledge about different kinds of weather, students will be rotating through the following centers: 
  • Reading Center--Students will look through books on weather to learn even more! 
  • Writing Center--This center will have supplies ready for students to write about what they have learned about weather
  • Photo Center--Scientists will sort, uncover, label, and title weather photos
  • Technology Center--scientists will explore weather using the Pebble Go app

Friday, February 21, 2020

Weekly News Feb 24-28

I love this time of the year!  Although the temps are low, they kids are on fire lately!  They are making huge jumps in their learning and are so proud!

Important Dates and Reminders:

February 27: PAC Field Trip
February 28: 1/2 day 11:30 dismissal
March 2-6 Read Across America Week Dress up days
3/2: Cat in the Hat- wear stripe or a hat
3/3: Grinch/ Green Eggs and Ham day- wear green
3/4: Wacky Wednesday
3/5: Red Fish, Blue Fish- wear red and blue
3/6: Twin/ Thing 1 and Thing 2- dress like someone else

Math: The mathematicians will learn about being flexible with writing equations. They will learn that they can write an equation like 10+3=13 or 13=10+3. We will begin to explore comparing groups of numbers to tell whether the group is greater or less than another group. Finally, we will work on acting out math story problems using a grocery store scene. Be on the lookout for a video on seesaw!

Reading: This week we will become avid readers of poetry!  We will learn how to make our reading sound smooth and will also work to show emotions in the poems we read.  We will end the week with a Poetry Extravaganza where we will perform, illustrate and even write our own poems using the beat of poems we know well.

Writing: Our focus will switch to writing persuasive letters this week. As students are writing letters to solve problems, they will learn that they can study the work of a mentor author and then try to incorporate what they have learned into their writing. Writers will also learn to think about their audience when writing and add possible ideas for how to fix the problem they are writing about.

Researcher's Workshop:  This week we will study the sun and the impact it can have on temperature as well as the way it provides light.  We will learn about a city in Norway that is situated in a way where it can receive no light and will hypothesize and experiment with ways we could create light.  We are in need of flashlights for this experiment!  If you can lend us some, please send them to school by Thursday!!!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Weekly News Feb 17-21

Important Dates and Reminders:
February 17: NO SCHOOL
February 18: Family Night 5:30 pm
February 27: PAC Field Trip- permission slips due 2/18
March 2-6 Read Across America Week Dress up days
3/2: Cat in the Hat- wear stripe or a hat
3/3: Grinch/ Green Eggs and Ham day- wear green
3/4: Wacky Wednesday
3/5: Red Fish, Blue Fish- wear red and blue
3/6: Twin/ Thing 1 and Thing 2- dress like someone else

Math: This week we will begin Unit 4.  The main concepts of this unit are finding partner numbers for 6-10 and identifying 3 dimensional shapes.  The unit also reinforces teen number composition and decomposition.  Please note that any partner work within 6-10 is expected to be done with math tools and drawings and students are by no means expected to be fluent in knowing their facts or partners to 10.  We will continue to work toward automaticity with addition and subtraction within 5.  So far we have learned these poems to help us solve +0/-0 and +1 facts!

Reading: We are having fun being avid non-fiction readers!  This week we will learn that acting out or pretending with non-fiction books can help us to better understand them.  We may even do a little acting on SeeSaw...keep your eyes peeled! This week we will also become avid readers of poetry!  We will learn how to make our reading sound smooth and will also work to show emotions in the poems we read.

Writing:I hope your child has shared with your some of the important topics they are writing about to persuade others.  Please know you may receive some books or letters regarding "problems" your child might want to persuade others to fix at home or in your neighborhood.  We are really working on using our words as a way to let people know about a problems see and ways we think it can be fixed.  This week we will work on keeping our writing stamina up by thinking of lots of causes to write about and will work on revision and spelling strategies.

Researcher's Workshop: This week our study of weather will lead us to discussing the 4 seasons.  We live in the perfect place to be able to really understand these weather differences and changes!  I am sure we will feel like WI is perfect right now, right?!  We will become data collectors and determine how many class birthdays occur in what seasons and will continue to weather watch using this chart!!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Weekly News Feb 10-14

We has SUCH a fun 100th day of school!!  It was fun to switch up our schedule and make everything all about 100!!!

 All of the 100 year olds!!

 Making 100 gumballs!
 Can you build something with 100 legos??
 100 cup stacking challenge!  
Each group worked SO well together they were able to stack 200 cups!!
How many licks does it take to get to the end??

Important Dates and Reminders:

February 14: Valentine day celebration-Here is our class list.
We will be making valentine bags as class, so no need to send in a separate Valentine box

February 17: NO SCHOOL

February 27: PAC Field Trip

Reading: This week as Super Avid Readers we will look more closely at non-fiction or informational texts and how we can really learn from what we read in them.  To pique our interest in looking more closely at non-fiction topics we will watch this video.   The kids do seem to really like this video and learn so much from watching it, but some may find it a tad scary a first.  There will be lots of discussion around it so I wanted it to be available to you as well :).  Some of the ways we will work with non-fiction books this week we will be: to use new vocabulary we have learned about our topics when talking about our books, finding multiple books on a topic that interests us and comparing and contrasting various books we read

Writing:  Opinion writing is up and running in Kindergarten!  This week we will learn that we can voice our opinion about problems we see around us and write as a way to try to fix it.  We will use the following chart to help us:
1. See a problem
2. Think
3.  Write
This work will lead us to writing letters, making signs and even creating petitions to make our school a better place.  The big goal for Kindergartners in this unit is to understand how powerful their words can be to persuade others.

Math: One way that mathematicians become more fluent in solving addition and subtraction equations is to study patterns. Students will start by exploring +0 and -0 equations and discover that it doesn't matter if you're adding or subtracting, when their is a 0, the number stays the same. Then, we will begin to study the +1 pattern, which is just like forward number counting! Students will practice solving equations quickly by using flashcards. We will continue to look for patterns to strengthen our fluency!

Researcher's Workshop: This week we will begin an exploration of weather.  We will become "weather watchers" and will learn important things to be on the look out for when studying the weather.  We will be spending time outside to observe and write about the weather and will begin to discuss how the weather impacts people and the things they need.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Weekly News Feb 3-7

We have been working as a classroom family to solve problems that may come up between us!  We call small problems bummers in here!  We created and have been practicing using this chart every day before play workshop!  I am impressed at how this is allowing the students to be assertive and solve problems in a calm and respectful way!  I am sharing in case it could be useful or spark some conversations at your house!!

Important Dates and Reminders:
February 7: 100 day of school- dress like you are 100 years old
February 14: Valentine day celebration- here is a list of names for valentines
February 17: NO SCHOOL
February 27: PAC Field Trip (more info to come)

Reading: Every reader that solves a word, monitors to see if the word makes sense in the context of the book, if it sounds right (like something we would read or say) and looks right (has the correct letters). This week, we will be digging in to how to check for those three things as we solve words. Stay tuned for a chart we will make a a class to help us support our reading process!!

Writing:  Kindergartners begin writing opinion pieces this week! As you may have seen in your child's folder, each student is welcome to bring 4 items from home that they have strong feelings about. For example,  it could be their favorite toy OR a picture of a food that they do NOT like. We will use these items to start discussions and generate ideas for our writing. The goal is for students to start their writing with "I like/do not like_____" and then add reasons to each page of the book. I can't wait to learn more about the opinions in our classroom!

Math: This week we will be wrapping up Unit 3.  We will be reviewing teen numbers, partners and doing some work with composing and decomposing shapes!  We will also take some time to discuss the number 100 and will build it by making ten groups of 10 many times during our 100 day celebration.  The kids have been anxiously awaiting for the day since day 1 of school!

Researcher's Workshop: Students will be wrapping up self study centers and learning how to use Seesaw to share our learning. Your child will have his or her own learning journal, and you can get notified when your child adds new items. It's completely private -- only you can see your child's journal outside of class. I will be sending out a link to access Seesaw later this week!

Friday, January 24, 2020

Weekly News Jan 27-31

Important Dates and Reminders:
February 7: 100 day of school (more info to come)
February 14: Valentine day celebration- here is a list of names for valentines
February 17: NO SCHOOL
February 27: PAC Field Trip (more info to come)

Here's what's happening in K this week:

Reading: As we continue to learn about becoming avid readers, students will have "playdates" during their partner reading time. According to research on cognitive development, children increase focus, stamina, self-regulation abilities, and abstract thinking through play. During the "reading playdates", book clubs will meet and can choose from a variety of fun activities to do with books. These activities could include: acting books out, playing school, having a read aloud, hunting for snap words, etc. Try one of these fun games while reading with your child at home!

Writing: As we head toward the end of our how to unit, we will work on adding introductions and conclusions to our books. Writers will be reminded to use all the strategies they know to make their books easy to read and include all of the things that our mentor texts taught us how to writers do (like add tips, comparisons, zoomed in pictures, covers, and more!) We will celebrate by having a friend read through our book and act out what they are learning how to do!

Snap words: Here are the words we have learned so far:

the, I, to, a, is, my, go, me, like, on, in, so, we, up, and, it, at, see, he, do, you, an, can, no, am, went, are, this

Math: This week mathematicians will work with story problems and will learn to listen closely to math stories and solve them using tools, drawings or fingers.  We will also focus on deepening our understanding of part-part-whole.  We will be building numbers and breaking them apart to see how the parts or 'part'ners work together to make the whole or the total. We will also continue to really understand teen numbers and know that teen numbers can be read and written two ways:  as two digits or was a group or drawing of ten objects with some extra.

Researcher's Workshop: After starting to think about what makes them so special, students will have a chance to show what makes them unique in the following centers:

Photographs—We will sort pictures on a timeline. Then students will create their own timelines.
Books—read All About Me books and write own
Collage—Kindergartners will look through magazines and cut out things that represent them. They will glue these onto a poster. We will share these at closing circle.—Students will work with partners on Ipads to “write” about themselves

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Weekly News Jan 21-24

Check out these awesome Super Readers!!  It looked like fun was had by all!  
I just can't wait to give them all a big hug (and then wash hands, we CANNOT have RSV at our house 🤣) and most importantly continue learning with them!  This is my favorite time of the year in Kindergarten as they just take off as learners in so many ways!!

This is such an important week to celebrate our school!  Each and every student and their family make NDLC such special place!  Thank you for being a part of our community!We hope you can join us for Family Night on Thursday!

Here's what's happening in K this week:

Reading: Kindergartners will learn about being an avid reader. We will sort pictures of avid readers and "blah" readers to identify what readers can do to become even stronger! Students will start to post it ideas and notice character feelings to share with their reading partners. Share what being a reader means to you so that your child can be surrounded by avid readers at home and at school!

Writing: We will study other How-To books to see how we can make ours even better! We will focus on choosing descriptive words,  giving our readers warnings, suggestions, and tips, and using comparisons just like in published How-To books.

Snap words: Here are the words we have learned so far:

the, I, to, a, is, my, go, me, like, on, in, so, we, up, and, it, at, see, he, do, you, an, can, no, am, went, are, this

Math: This week, mathematicians will learn about different strategies they can use to solve addition and subtraction problems. We will use the following mat that shows some of the tools/strategies Kindergartners often use to solve problems efficiently.

By the end of the year, students are expected to solve addition and subtraction equations within 5. Right now, we are building the base of that knowledge by letting students explore those equations using concrete tools/visuals. Eventually, we will move away from using the tools and students will solve the +/- equations automatically using patterns.

Researcher's Workshop: As we continue knowledge building for our self study, the researchers will learn to compare and contrast by creating a Venn diagram with a friend showing things about them that are the same/different. Students will reflect on what they are learning about themselves and start to set some social goals.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Jan 13-17

We can't wait to celebrate being super readers this Friday! If you are planning to donate table cloths for our capes, please send them to school by Wednesday. Thanks in advance:) 

Important Updates:
January 14: Classroom 1/2 Birthday Celebration
January 16:  Classroom 1/2 Birthday Celebration
January 17: Half Day
January 20: No School
January 21-24: Celebrate NDLC Week!
Here are the dress up days for the week:
January 21: dress up as what you want to be when you grow up
January 22: twin day
January 23: active wear/sports wear
January 24: NDLC wear---crazy purple day

Here's what's happening in K this week: 

Reading: We will have our Super Reader celebration this week! Kindergartners will create capes to show that they really are Super Readers! They will build snap word towers to knock down! Swat at letters to match a sound! Read with other Super Readers! It will be a day to celebrate how far we have come as readers!

Writing: These students jumped right into how to writing and are already writing some amazing teaching books!  As we continue to work with How To books, students will work with partners to act out the books to check if the directions/steps make sense. They will add labels to their pictures and diagrams. Finally, they will look at our charts to set goals to create the very best writing they can! For example, students may choose to focus on writing details about their topic. I am excited to see how the students set goals for themselves.

Snap words: Here are the words we have learned so far:
the, I, to, a, is, my, go, me, like, on, in, so, we, up, and, it, at, see, he, do, you, an, can, no, am

Math: This week in math we will take some time to really focus on seeing numbers as a whole and parts.  We will relate using the parts we see in pictures to the way we write equations (part + part = whole). We will also be introduced to a new way to see and organize partners of numbers...math mountains!
See the source image
Students will use both tools and drawings to show partners and write equations to match.

Researcher's Workshop: We will start to build a base for our Self Study inquiry with a read aloud, video aloud, and song. Students will have whole class conversation about the book It’s Okay to be Different by Todd Parr. We will create a class book after watching a video of a poem called, “I am Me!” Here is the link  to the poem. Each student will add a page that says, “No one _____ the way I ____.” Finally, we will create a self-portrait after listening to  the song “What I Am” by Will.I.Am. Here is the link to the song. I am excited for students to start thinking about what makes them special…we know they are!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Jan 6-10

Important Updates:
January 7:   Classroom Birthday Celebration
January 7:  Matt Wilhelm Assembly about kindness and anti-bullying while incorporating bike tricks
January 10: Classroom Birthday Celebration
January 14:  Classroom 1/2 Birthday Celebration
January 16:  Classroom 1/2 Birthday Celebration
January 17:  Early Dismissal 11:30
January 20: No School
January 21-24: Celebrate NDLC Week!
Here are the dress up days for the week:
January 21: dress up as what you want to be when you grow up
January 22: twin day
January 23: active wear/sports wear
January 24: NDLC wear---crazy purple day

Here's what's happening in K this week: 

As these readers grow stronger and stronger, they will learn that they can rely on their knowledge of snap words and searching the picture for meaning to solve unknown words. Even after they solve an unknown word, the readers can check their reading to make sure that word makes sense in the book, that it has the letters they hear when they say that word, and that it sounds right in the sentence they are reading.  Toward the end of the week, students will think about how stories to help them think about what might happen next and how using those predictions can help us tackle tricky words.

Writing: We will be learning to write How To books during this unit. Writers will be reminded that with any type of writing, you still follow the steps of the writing process: think of an idea, say how the pages will go, draw, and then write!  To help your child generate ideas to write about, talk through the steps of things your child does at home. For example, a bed time routine, cooking dinner, getting ready for school, etc. What comes first? Next? Last?

Snap words: Here are the words we have learned so far:
the, I, to, a, is, my, go, me, like, on, in, so, we, up, and, it, at, see, he, do, you, an, can, no, am

Math: Mathematicians will continue to solidify our understanding of teen numbers.  We will be making teen number arrangements and working to write equations that show the number of 10's and ones in each teen number.  We will also be revisiting 2D shapes and will work to show how shapes can work together to make new shapes.

Researcher's Workshop: To reboot and start our year off right, we will be reviewing classroom expectations and working on social curriculum. The lessons will include expected/unexpected behavior in a group, how our behavior impacts the feelings of those around us, and listening with our whole body.