Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello Kindergarten Families!

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit with me over the past two weeks!  I loved meeting your families and look forward to a great year of learning with you and your children!   As the excitement and nerves about the first day of school start to happen, I wanted to keep you in the loop with a few tidbits and reminders!

First day: All staff will be wearing gray shirts with purple and white print on the first day. This may help you and your child find us in the morning, although we will be keeping an eye out for them as well. We will all meet at the purple NDLC awning that faces the playground.

Snack:   All students should bring a SNACK FROM HOME each day.  Children can also bring a water bottle each day. It’s warm in our room so water bottles are helpful!

Breakfast:  Breakfast is available for children to eat in the classroom each morning.  The cost of breakfast is $1.65 and it will include milk.  Please let me know if you intend for your child to eat breakfast at school each day.  We want to ensure kids who need breakfast are getting it and no one takes it if/when they are not supposed to.

Lunch: Here is the September lunch menu for families interested in having their child taking hot lunch.

Folders: You will find a Take Home folder in your child’s backpack upon returning from their first day as a kindergartener. This folder should be emptied each night and returned each day.

Specials: Please remember to send gym shoes and art shirts if you have not done so yet!

We will have a six day rotation that will impact the special classes we have each day.
Please see our schedule to learn when we have our special classes.
This calendar shows the school days on the number (1-6) they fall on.  Library books should be returned prior to Day 5  on our schedule.

Blog: Weekly updates, pictures, and upcoming activities will be posted each week to our blog. Here is the link to view our classroom blog:

NDLC wear: If you are interested in ordering NDLC apparel, please this link. orders are due September 11.

Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns!!  Enjoy your last few days of summer! I can’t wait to see you soon!!!

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